Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Post #73

now that i'm back to some daily cooking routine, i can understand how cooking can become a bit like a chore, as it's more "duty" driven rather than "fun" driven.

cooked veg soup tonight as its the quickest way to get rid of the veg (including some seriously dying celery) in the fridge. i've cooked this before with success but this time it's lacking flavours... ha, and just checked my old veg soup post and discovered that i dropped out a few ingredients from the soup.. no wonder =.= how can i forget onion and tomato?!?! in the end i had to add in some chicken stock and tomato paste in the hope of reviving it. it got better, but not great, and i didnt bother taking a pic of it...

then of course i cant starve hubby with just a veg soup *even tho that would have been plentiful for me*! so i made a chunky steak and mushroom "pie". making pie pastry is definitely one of the things thats totally beyond my cooking capability, so i did a ramekin version ;p

-Beef steak and mushroom shepherd pie-

caramelise the marinated steak pieces, then cook the sliced mushrooms with garlic and the white parts of shallots, then adding a dash of stock and some flour to thicken the sauce. put the steak pieces back in the pan. whilst simmering, add creme fraiche, paprika and chopped parsley. stir through, then fill in ramekins before sealing them with mashed potato! so minutes before hubby arrives home, i shoved them into the oven for a quick grill to brown the mash on top. drizzle with truffle oil and a sprinkle of chopped parsley on top.

view of the inside.

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