japanese don is so simple to make but so satisfying! and hubby *for the first time* was surprised at how little washing there was afterwards!! haha.
firstly, boil some japanese rice. then simply chop up onion and carrot in large thin pieces, and briefly marinate some chicken thigh pieces. pan fry the carrot, onion and chicken with chopped garlic in a pan and until the veg and meat are almost cooked, then crack 2 eggs in a separate bowl, roughly stirred, then in they go into the pan. swirl the pan but dont stir. when the eggs are about 60% cooked and there is a little fried crust on the edge, pour in a little dash of konbu dashi stock and chuck in some finely grated ginger, season, then swirl again. when the eggy bits look kinda cooked but still a little runny, its ready!
this is the perfect dinner-for-one dish! but i used a slightly bigger pan as its our dinner-for-two, and filled a big bowl with rice, then place the egg goodness on top. *thats better then cooking 2 separate servings* and we just spoon the rice into our separate bowls, and eat merrily~
-Japanese chicken don-
made a side dish too *to finish off the green beans in the fridge*
-Green beans with peanut + sesame sauce-