so tonight we stopped by super to grab some bacon and vegies, ready to cook a big pot of vegie soup with risoni :)
-Bacon and veg soup with risoni-
close up:
look all these healthy vegie goodness - tomato, onion, zucchini, carrot, beetroot stems + leaves, corn and cannellinni beans! i recently found that the best way to use beetroot stems and leaves is to cook soup! the stems are v sweet, it's a waste to chuck them! i also read somewhere that you could cook the stems and leaves just like spinach with olive oil and salt. i gave that a try before but it took forever to cook and the stems and leaves were still v tough.
the core of a corn is also v sweet, so after chopping out the kernels, i chucked the cores into the pot as well and scooped them out when the soup is cooked!! :)
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