last night i used 2 whole hours to cook up a lasagne, a quick salad and a toast. ha, will no doubt fail big time if i'm a masterchef contestant!!
my v first attempt to make lasagne *if i can call it a lasagne...* - its free form, which, in essence, means that its messy. hehe. and of course, i used the leftover wonton sheets rather than lasagne pasta sheets :)
-Free form meatball lasagne-
the cooked wonton sheets were so freaky hot to fiddle with, i kept making jinxing noises as i stack up the lasagne, i'm sure hubby thought i was fighting with food, not cooking food.
inwards - stacks of pumpkin, zucchini, meatballs, bocconcini and parmesan with homemade tomato sauce and wonton sheets in between each layer.
the lasagne was sooo tasty, i'll definitely cook again. but i'll need to find a way to keep it hot without drying it out! maybe i wont spend so much time stacking it and will make even more free form next time! :)
-Smoked salmon with ricotta, creme fraiche + lemon olive oil on sourdough toast-
i always use apple in mine! sweet~