Friday, 25 June 2010

Post #63

so what would happen if one type of starch meets another type of starch?! my immediate reaction was... hm... that cant be v good - way too much carb and way too filling!! but on second thought, it actually shouldnt be so terrifying, especially with this cold winter weather!

the starch combo i had in mind was pasta and potato, not in the form of gnocchi, but a slightly creamy crushed potato with orechhiette. and i liked the idea of using all creamy colours *matching the winter theme perhaps?!* so i chose cauliflower.

-Crushed potato and cauliflower orechhiette-

at first i thought the combo's too blend, but they worked surprisingly well. the clean sweetness of the cauliflower actually cuts through the earthy *but also heavy* potato. and the spiciness of the pepperoni and the chilli flakes gives it a good kick! :) only if i had used better quality pepperoni *i wont mention the brand!*... the skin was way too tough to chew by anyone's standard... might get some good chorizo instead next time.

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